Q1. What or who inspired you to work in investing?

I have always had a curiosity for how the world works, and with investing I have an outlet to use this curiosity in research investment ideas. I wanted a career where I would always be learning, and the constant updates, be it earnings or other news flow, means there is always something new to learn and process. The shift in the investment world towards responsible and sustainable investment has been a key motivator for me, and by working in the investment industry I feel like I am part of a something that has the ability to drive real world change

Q2. What do you think the future looks like for women in investing? What would you like to see?

I would love the industry to get to the point where it has become representative of the society it is serving (for investment is ultimately a service industry), and in order to get there it’s important to continue to champion diversity in all its forms, including gender diversity.

Q3. What is your attitude to investment risk?

Risk is inherent in investing, but I try to get to grips with the key risks for my research ideas, and then my views are based on the understanding of these.

Q4. If you had a superpower, what would it be?

The ability to bounce back is such an important quality: life will throw all manner of things at you, so knowing you can navigate whatever lies ahead creates a calm confidence to embrace change and tackle adversity

Q5. Tell us your motto or if you don’t live by one, why not?

Try to not worry about what you can’t control, and focus on what you can – but like most mottos it is easier said than done!