Catherine Jones - City Hive Fearless Woman

Q1. What or who inspired you to work in investing?

I studied economics with languages at university and my dad was in financial services so I was quite interested in those areas after finishing my studies. When I graduated there had been huge change since the break-up of the USSR with many economies transitioning from central planning to market economies and lots of new and emerging opportunities for investing at a macro and micro level. 

I knew I didn’t want to go into dentistry, medicine, engineering, law, or the priesthood that some of my family pursued! I was very fortunate to sign up with a recruitment agency that had built good relationships with some of the investment management firms in London and they led me to interview with Capital Group.

Q2. What do you think the future looks like for women in investing? What would you like to see?

As an optimist I think it looks very promising. When I first started working, we didn’t talk at all about the importance of diversity let alone equity and inclusion.

There was a lot of similarity in the industry then that went by unnoticed, but over my 22-year career in the industry, I have seen a lot of progress for women in terms of more career opportunities, less bias in recruitment, leadership positions on boards, and now in a post pandemic world a more flexible work life arrangement. I do think however we have opportunity to do more education for women in terms of their own personal finances, savings, and investments.

Q3. What is your attitude to investment risk?

I am more risk averse and that is not necessarily good or bad. The key thing with any sort of risk, whether it is work or personal finances, is understanding what biases you have in play when conducting your assessments. This at least then ensures that one is making decisions consciously.

Q4. If you had a superpower, what would it be?

I believe in higher powers not so much superpowers, and they help keep me grounded and accepting that I am enough. 

Having said that, if you pushed me I would quite like to be able to see into the future particularly around corners when those curve balls are coming so that one can be a better prepared. Although maybe that just creates more time to worry!

Q5. Tell us your motto or if you don’t live by one, why not?

Sleep on it! I have never regretted sleeping on that email, text, or conversation that you know you need to action, but I have often regretted actioning something and wishing I had slept on it. 

The morning often brings clarity and with that solutions often follow in hot pursuit.