Vaidehee Sachdev Fearless City Hive

Q1. What or who inspired you to work in investing?

The state of the world and the role finance plays in it.

Q2. What do you think the future looks like for women in investing? What would you like to see?

More of everything to break up the privileged boys club – more racially and cognitively diverse women, trans, non-binary people with an interest in changing the way money is allocated.

Q3. What is your attitude to investment risk?

It is half baked. We are playing fast and loose with our future because currently it fails to fully account for planetary and societal impacts.

Q4. If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Irritability. Nothing is good enough until it is.

Q5. Tell us your motto or if you don’t live by one, why not?

Slogans don’t motivate me although I do try to channel this mantra occasionally - “be more like Eugenie (Mathieu) 😊 ”.everyone has shortcomings.